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Proposals for quantum mechanics

【Fallacy of quantum mechanics】

In the quantum world, matter is said to be in a state of superposition waves.

However, at the moment of "observing" this, the "wave" contracts into one state.

This is the current textbook interpretation, and is collectively called the "Copenhagen Interpretation."

Instead, there is the many-worlds interpretation, which states that "the way the waves contract at the moment of observation is the divergence of the observer's own world", which has been attracting attention in recent years.

But I think both are slightly wrong.

This is because the "contraction of waves" in the Copenhagen interpretation destroys the "deterministic view of the universe" found by Einstein.

In addition, the "world divergence" in the many-worlds interpretation is that countless new universes are born from arbitrary points on the time axis, but these new universes share the past universe before divergence. The logic is too complicated in that sense.

Nature should be simpler.

A student observing the moon with a telescope

【Does the state of the world depend on you?】

Think about it.

The Copenhagen interpretation says that the wave contracts at the moment of "observation", and the many-worlds interpretation says that the world diverges at the moment of "observation".

Both interpretations claim that "the state of the world depends on the observer."

This is reminiscent of the "Ptolemaic theory".

For example, let's say you go on a trip somewhere.

You can calculate from the distance to the "destination" that you will arrive at the "destination" in a few hours, and it will.

However, is the world where you have arrived at your destination the world you created?

Of course, it can be said that "your actions" created it, but in reality, it may be the result of "you acted according to the situation of the world in order to exist in such a world".

Or are you physically special enough to easily change the world?

【you depend on the world】

In other words, instead of "the world depends on the observer", "the observer depends on the world".

Because there is no physical special existence.

You are just a part of this world, no doubt.

If so, the "many worlds" are not "new universes (worlds)" that branch out and occur due to "observations", but rather the infinitely existing universes from the beginning, and their "superposition states". Is not it expressed as a "wave"?

And because it is infinite, all patterns exist there, and one of them was "the universe you live in".

Which pattern of universe you exist in is a matter of decoherent state, and will be detailed later.

Quantum mechanics textbooks still include the Copenhagen interpretation as a time-honored dogma.

Many students who have learned it may find other interpretations to be "suspicious".

This trend is becoming more and more pronounced these days, when novels, movies, and SNSs based on quantum mechanics such as "Multiverse" and "Parallel World" are overflowing.

I would like to make a proposal to top runners who study quantum mechanics.

Please free the students who want to learn quantum mechanics from this textbook curse.

A cute chick is about to break out of its shell and see the outside world.

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